Apparently it would drive 250 ordinary screws in before needing to be recharged. So far I've screwed in about 200 big roofing screws. And the old drill needed recharged 8 times for those jobs. I've got at least another 50 to go and won't be needing to recharge :yes:Originally posted by zdenotim:
Oh yes, Angelika, it will. And makes it a lot easier, too, because it's so small and light. :happy:If you see the Old & new photo linked from bottom of the post, you'll see how small this new drill is.
Excellent idea, todays great project is to examine and hopefully repair the waste disposal in the kitchen sink, it will be a rather messy process I suspect
Thank you, DH. 🙂 George, the powertool guy at my hardware store swears by it. And so light, too. Only 950g.Haven't tried it out yet. It's a bit windy today so no roof job. :coffee:
Good luck with that, DH. Don't forget to turn the mains power supply OFF to the disposal unit before you start dismantling. Originally posted by darkesthour:
One of the brushes on the motor has failed, I have 'borrowed' a larger brush from a car from a friend of mine, now I will make the brush smaller to match the good one… Time to get the file and hacksaw out :knight:
Brushes are made from graphite, similar to pencils, the material is easy to cut and shape but can be abrasive… I used to machine this stuff for a living 😀
I have machined many types of material and in many different ways, I used to make parts for F1 cars many years ago, lots of titanium and magnesium, i still have a magnesium oil pump cover somewhere… It will go on a bonfire one day :yes:
Was stir fry veges with rice for me. :chef: No, didn't intend to be a "healthy" meal. My larder's a bit scarce at the moment. Will need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. :p
I use rather classic screwdriver 😉
:cheers: Thank you, guys. Do you use Bosch tools? This one is my first. I'm looking forward to giving it a proper spin (literally :D)
:cheers: :yes:
It looks very professional and as if you have to turn up many screws.
Originally posted by 7Wellis:
Apparently it would drive 250 ordinary screws in before needing to be recharged. So far I've screwed in about 200 big roofing screws. And the old drill needed recharged 8 times for those jobs. I've got at least another 50 to go and won't be needing to recharge :yes:Originally posted by zdenotim:
😆 Never need recharging? 😀
Oh yes, Angelika, it will. And makes it a lot easier, too, because it's so small and light. :happy:If you see the Old & new photo linked from bottom of the post, you'll see how small this new drill is.
But it is much easier with this "weapon". This new device makes it certainly more fun to screw the screws.;)
Originally posted by brunozbruna:
😆 So true! :p
Originally posted by zdenotim:
You mean hammer?
Without the hammer nothing fix :cheers:
Originally posted by brunozbruna:
Maybe ??? :doh: :p
Good choice, and lithium batteries too :love:
You can drink coffee and admire your new Bosch instead :happy:
If I do I will put up some photos :yuck:
😀 I was considering switching it on with my right hand inside it, I could do with using up my sick pay 😆 That would be a messy business 😆 😆
😆 Lots of blood and stuff 😀
Excellent idea, todays great project is to examine and hopefully repair the waste disposal in the kitchen sink, it will be a rather messy process I suspect
I don't want to know :p
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Thank you, DH. 🙂 George, the powertool guy at my hardware store swears by it. And so light, too. Only 950g.Haven't tried it out yet. It's a bit windy today so no roof job. :coffee:
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Good luck with that, DH. Don't forget to turn the mains power supply OFF to the disposal unit before you start dismantling. Originally posted by darkesthour:
I can just imagine :yuck:
Doing exactly that :D:cool:
Put your foot in there if you must! You'll need intact sets of fingers for typing :p
I C@n tYpE wIv mii LefT haND just Fyne
Originally posted by darkesthour:
You learn something new every day :up:Originally posted by darkesthour:
A piece of cake for you then?
Does the kitchen waste disposal unit have brushes? :confused:Originally posted by darkesthour:
Hope you finish by tea :p
One of the brushes on the motor has failed, I have 'borrowed' a larger brush from a car from a friend of mine, now I will make the brush smaller to match the good one… Time to get the file and hacksaw out :knight:
Brushes are made from graphite, similar to pencils, the material is easy to cut and shape but can be abrasive… I used to machine this stuff for a living 😀
Any way I had better be getting on, the brush wont make itself i suppose… TTFN
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Sounds like an easier job for you than a piece of cake :up:
The motor does… shouldnt take long, the replacement is mostly the right size… Just needs thinning down a bit 😀
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Very cool :cool:Originally posted by darkesthour:
Have fun. :bye:
I have machined many types of material and in many different ways, I used to make parts for F1 cars many years ago, lots of titanium and magnesium, i still have a magnesium oil pump cover somewhere… It will go on a bonfire one day :yes:
That's all matters 😉
Bit of a bodge but shes up and running 😀
Well, until it breaks down again… There must be a reason why one brush wore out and the other didn't… 😀
Professional job :yes:
50 minutes later… Done, including testing and clean up/tools away :yes:
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Meanwhile, what's for tea? 😀
Leftovers for me 😀
Was stir fry veges with rice for me. :chef: No, didn't intend to be a "healthy" meal. My larder's a bit scarce at the moment. Will need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. :p
Sounds healthier than what I ate 😀
Originally posted by darkesthour:
Sounds good. Leftovers are often more flavoursome. :up:
I like veges :DLooks like almost bedtime. Good night, DH :bye:
Sausage sandwiches in the end with lots of tomato sauce :chef:
Yeah, g'nite MM
Originally posted by zdenotim:
Me too 😀 No need to "screw up" anything too often :lol:Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:
Of course! A lot's of :beer: needed :cheers:
Cheers, Sami (Trying out Tamil's smiley for the first time 😆 This is fun)