This also comes with a built-in spotlight/torch 😆 Haven't got around to trying properly yet. We've got a storm coming in our way tomorrow. Hopefully I can have a little more roof time after that.
Ooooh don't talk about storms, most of my country is under water due to flooding and in our little corner our tongues are hanging on the ground from thirst. The whole world's weather pattern is upside down as if the earth has shifted on its axis. The frogs here are 3 yrs old and they can't swim yet and the chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.
MM, there has been 40 deaths here already and estimated 1 billion in damages and more hard rain expected. I so wish we could have some of it. Our dams are one 34% full, or is that empty.:insane:
most of my country is under water due to flooding and in our little corner our tongues are hanging on the ground from thirst.
We've been lucky so far not to have experienced really bad floods causing fatalities. There have been some regional floods but nowhere near the magnitude of the floods that have devastated Brazil and Australia. I wasn't aware SA is also being hit by floods. Some parts of NZ are declared drought zones or about too, while others are under deluge right now. Despite the technological advancement we are still at mercy of the working of the mother Earth and always will be. Originally posted by NitroH:
The frogs here are 3 yrs old and they can't swim yet and the chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.
😆 I love it when you go into that prose-can-be-as-good-as-poetry mode! :yes:The rain clouds have just arrived over us. Good thing I cleared the roof drainpipes yesterday.
MM, there has been 40 deaths here already and estimated 1 billion in damages and more hard rain expected.
I'm very sorry to hear that, Helen. I was not aware it was that bad in South Africa. The Australian floods have been on the news for weeks and the one that hit Brazil probably because of its magnitude. But I haven't seen a lot about SA flooding on TV news. Originally posted by NitroH:
I so wish we could have some of it. Our dams are one 34% full, or is that empty.
They say dried out land cannot absorb rain water as much as reasonably moist soil, and, therefore the flood damage can be larger when heavy rain comes after drought. 🙁
The whole world's weather pattern is upside down as if the earth has shifted on its axis.
That makes allot more sense to me, than strictly blaming humans, Helen. I personally think that the planet environment is a much huger issue then human activity, however I do not believe that dumping our garbage in our living space is a good plan neither!
Thank you for your comment, Crysta. :)I think LOCAL human activities in many areas have played a major role in the outcomes of those "environmental disasters". As to the so called "Global" environmental issues, what we hear seems more influenced by politics and funding than unbiased analyses of empirical data.
I have never tried driving one of those, but if I decide to one day, I will keep that one in mind.
Originally posted by NitroH:
This also comes with a built-in spotlight/torch 😆 Haven't got around to trying properly yet. We've got a storm coming in our way tomorrow. Hopefully I can have a little more roof time after that.
The storm seems fairly small from this end of the country.. Unless its not here yet :eyes:
No sign of storm here, either, yet! (or never? :D)
Ooooh don't talk about storms, most of my country is under water due to flooding and in our little corner our tongues are hanging on the ground from thirst. The whole world's weather pattern is upside down as if the earth has shifted on its axis. The frogs here are 3 yrs old and they can't swim yet and the chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.
Originally posted by serola:
MM, there has been 40 deaths here already and estimated 1 billion in damages and more hard rain expected. I so wish we could have some of it. Our dams are one 34% full, or is that empty.:insane:
Originally posted by NitroH:
We've been lucky so far not to have experienced really bad floods causing fatalities. There have been some regional floods but nowhere near the magnitude of the floods that have devastated Brazil and Australia. I wasn't aware SA is also being hit by floods. Some parts of NZ are declared drought zones or about too, while others are under deluge right now. Despite the technological advancement we are still at mercy of the working of the mother Earth and always will be. Originally posted by NitroH:
😆 I love it when you go into that prose-can-be-as-good-as-poetry mode! :yes:The rain clouds have just arrived over us. Good thing I cleared the roof drainpipes yesterday.
Originally posted by NitroH:
I'm very sorry to hear that, Helen. I was not aware it was that bad in South Africa. The Australian floods have been on the news for weeks and the one that hit Brazil probably because of its magnitude. But I haven't seen a lot about SA flooding on TV news. Originally posted by NitroH:
They say dried out land cannot absorb rain water as much as reasonably moist soil, and, therefore the flood damage can be larger when heavy rain comes after drought. 🙁
Originally posted by NitroH:
That makes allot more sense to me, than strictly blaming humans, Helen. I personally think that the planet environment is a much huger issue then human activity, however I do not believe that dumping our garbage in our living space is a good plan neither!
Thank you for your comment, Crysta. :)I think LOCAL human activities in many areas have played a major role in the outcomes of those "environmental disasters". As to the so called "Global" environmental issues, what we hear seems more influenced by politics and funding than unbiased analyses of empirical data.
I couldn't agree more, MM!