Last week was New Zealand Navy's 70th Year Anniversary Week, which brought 11 of its 14 naval ships in Wellington Harbour. On the Saturday the 1st, I took my camera out with an intention to take a few naval pictures. It turned out no one look out gave me a good view of navy ships. I ended up visiting all vantage points on the Harbour side of Te Ahumairangi (Tinakori Hill) I know of.
(Please note the main post contains 500k+ images) …
First I tried the Te Ahumairangi lookout and took the photo below. There are six Navy vessels visible in this picture. How many can you spot? 😀Then I walked to Stellin Memorial but the view was more or less the same.
So I decided to sidle the hill side from the southern top end where Stellin Memorial Park is to the northern lower end at bottom of Old Wadestown Road. There were some interesting views through pine trees, like this one, but none helped with my naval watch.
Finally I arrived at the Seat and enjoyed a much better harbour view.
My Navy 70th anniversary photo collection
I spotted six navy vessels :sherlock: Although, I'm not quite sure what a navy vessel should look like 😀
I don't quite know, either. 😀 The inshore and offshore patrol vessels are quite small. There is a photo-map in Wellington event site that indicates which ship would be where and that was the only way I could identify them. Description of the album photo has names and types of ship, if you are interested. Accuracy not guaranteed, mind you.
Sounds like you had a nice outing. :coffee:
It was OK but I forgot to take water bottle and overdressed in trackpants, so was feeling heat and thirst towards the end. Still the views made up for the suffering. It was a strange kind of walk, mainly due to the large number of overseas tourists visiting for the Rugby World Cup currently being held in Wellington. The locals that came across me all looked at me as if thinking, 'Here's another tourist with camera.' There were also tourists doing funny things like marching in a single file on Town Belt walking track plugging double walking sticks into ground at every step, as if they had never walked on soft ground. :rolleyes:The funniest one was a van full of French supporters I bumped into about 50m down the road from the roadend/track access, which is basically a quiet hillside residential cul de sac. They said they were heading for the stadium to support French rugby team and they would be fine because they had GPS.
Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:
Famous last words "No problem, I have GPS 🙂 "
Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:
:hat: (sorry French 😀 )
Well, I offered to take a look but they said thanks, but no thanks. I doubt if the GPS had the info about temporary road closure and parking restriction. It was a couple of hours before the match started. And France lost. :p
Tonga's famous win was the biggest upset so far but France still made it to the quarterfinals. Now there'll be the battle of Celts (Ireland vs Wales) here in Wellington on Saturday followed by the battle of southern giants (South Africa vs Austraria) in Sunday evening. :yes:France will be playing England in the battle of the Channel in Auckland, which will be the real test for them. 😉