When it is me that cooked it. :p
Before I explain the odd title question, I would like you to take a look at the menu :chef:
After you viewed the menu, read on the see the result. 😀 …
And as you see, it went as it had been planned, or even better. 😀 :chef: 😎Click to go to the bigger picture in album 😉
Not too bad, aye? 😀
Now why is a Christmas Day midday dinner I cook not the Christmas dinner? Here is why …
Christmas is a relatively new custom for us Japanese, commercialised and more for a fashion than real. Another chance for shops to sell cake, decoration and presents, you know? Our family used to have a small spruce tree in pot, which was brought inside just before Christmas for decoration. It was quite enjoyable putting on the decks, watching blinking of lights, opening presents and eating the cake.
Then I've migrated to a country where people traditionally celebrate Christmas "for real". I tried to observe the local traditions and emulate how kiwis celebrate Christmas, getting presies ready, getting together with family & friends and enjoying the feast. Every year, I got invited to Christmas dinner (which kiwis traditionally have midday) by a different friend, who probably felt a little sorry to hear otherwise I would be spending Christmas alone. I was singing with community choir for a few years and went to sing carols at old people's homes and church services, too.
But I was not quite comfortable with being invited to Christmas dinner like that. In the end, I realised although I fully respect the tradition and understand the significance of Christmas celebration, it did not feel right trying too hard to emulate the way, when it was not my own tradition. So I stopped writing cards or giving token presies to friends, and told them I don't "do Christmas".
Instead I started cooking a roast dinner on Christmas day, not to celebrate Christmas, but to appreciate the local tradition without feeling a little "false". At first couple of years, microwave roasting a chicken in roasting bag was the best I could manage. But since then having done several more years of practice, I think I am getting quite good at this. :chef: What do you think? 😀
And as you see, it went as it had been planned, or even better. 😀 :chef: 😎
The idea of cooking more elaborate meal and sharing my achievement on blog came from Aadil (qlue), by his comment to my previous post.
The story about how my roasting adventure evolved was originally inspired by Angelika (7Welis), her question about me not doing Christmas. My story was built on my initial reply to her question. 🙂
Thank you, both :cheers:
Thanks for the recipe photos. That looks delicious. :yes: