Spring has hatched

We have just passed the halfway mark between the Winter Solstice and Vernal (Spring) Equinox. It is called Imbolc (Imbolg or Oimelc) in Celtic pagan tradition, and one of the eight festivals (sabats) that consist the Wheel of the Year.

Eastern Asian cultures mark the progress of seasons at shorter intervals, with no fewer than 24 solar terms. The beginning of the "start of Autumn" term for Northern Hemisphere will be on 8th August, which will be the beginning of the "start of Spring" term for the Southern Hemisphere.

Either way the baby Spring seems under way. Though Plants and the weather are still to catch up, days are longer. Birds are active. And the Sun is moving.

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  1. And the fog is moving in 😀 Have had some warm days lately, some even have sun :yes:

  2. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Have had some warm days lately, some even have sun

    :yes: We also had a good run of sun last couple of days. Today's not that great, though. Supposed to be clearing up, but no sign of the rain going away. :(Have you noticed the birds are becoming active? The tui have been doing their acrobatics and fighting over perch on power line. I saw three wood pigeons flying over my house one after another a couple of days ago.

  3. I like the Fantails best, someone told me that when you see two together its going to rain. Oddly enough I have always found this to be true so far :yes:

  4. I have come across that site before, for the same reasons, its a useful way to look up new birds that I see

  5. Though Plants and the weather are still to catch up, …

    Well, it seems now the plants are catching up, too. I've noticed the big pine at my back section started to sport flower buds(?). They were not fully open. But I eyes started to feel increasing level of pine pollens in the air. Luckily my allergy is relatively minor and I only get a slight eyelid inflammation and heavy-headed feeling. Still bothersome all the same.

  6. The pollen is going pretty wild here now, all the puddles have a yellow coating round the edges

  7. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    all the puddles have a yellow coating round the edges


  8. I shouldn't complain too much, either. It's only minor. And I don't get the hey fever (grass pollen allergies).

  9. Thats a good thing because there is no shortage of pollen, my car is looking yellow now and its supposed to be blue..

  10. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    my car is looking yellow now and its supposed to be blue..

    Maybe time you washed it? :p

  11. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Life is too short to waste it washing cars

    Totally agree!! 😀

  12. When I was into tramping, I often asked myself, 'Why am I cleaning my boots, when I know very well they'll get muddy again next weekend?' 😀

  13. You are supposed to take your tramping boots off at the door. In my case, they usually came off before getting in the car. 🙂

  14. Aside from one tiny fact, mud on boots means extra weight I'd have to carry! 😀

  15. Probably. Of course, as soon as I got home, I rang Telecom and had the phone locked. The operator told me it wasn't used since I lost it, and I could transfer my credit as soon as I got a new one. So not a lot of harm was done. And now I have a spare phone I could re-connect if its successor broke.

  16. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Just dont leave them on the roof of the car

    Yeah, I know. Once I left my cellphone on the roof of a friend's car and lost it. We went back but could not find it. I thought it fell and ended up in a gutter or something. Several months later I had a call from the police telling me they found it "on a young man that was picked up by police last night, who telling them he doesn't remember how he got it". I still don't know if the cellphone was nicked from car roof or dropped by road and someone picked up and decided to keep it.

  17. Mine is showing the first signs of failure… Turned it off and on again and I got all my texts from the last 3 days that I hadnt received before :awww:

  18. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Turned it off and on again and I got all my texts from the last 3 days that I hadnt received before

    Could be network issue rather than your cell? One of the tramping friends who used to text me a lot had a Vodafone cell, and a couple of times her texts didn't arrive at my Telecom cell after 24 hours.

  19. I'm back! :DWe are having a real beauty here in Welly. Seems every creature is out enjoying it. Will update post & photo album hopefully by end of today. 🙂
