Opera tip [2] – My Opera profile tweaks

Ever wanted to change your My Opera location to something fancy, or needed to adjust your time zone because you live in that special corner of the world?

This tip is about how to tweak your My Opera location, time zone, etc, including the step by step guide to set time zone to UTC+13 for those live in the most advanced country in the world[/FONT][/B]. πŸ˜€ In six hours,the daylight saving will start in Aotearoa/NZ, but currently there is no provision to set the time zone to NZDST's UTC+13hours. …

1 Go to your "Edit Profile" Page (http://my.opera.com/**your_user_name**/account/about.dml)
2 Right click and choose "Source" (Or Ctrl+F3)
3 Find this part:

<option value="+12" selected="selected">(UTC +12:00 hours) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Island</option>

And add this immediately after it:

<option value="+13">(UTC +13:00 hours) New Zealand Daylight Saving Time</option>

4 Click "Apply Changes" button on top. The timezone dropdown box in your profile edit page should now show "(UTC +13:00 hours) New Zealand Daylight Saving Time" as an option.
5 Choose that and click "Save Profile". Done.

The technique is courtesy of the ΓΌber-helpful-my.opera-super-user Steve, aka sgunhouse. As you see in his original blog post, you can do the same to tweak for your location, etc. Pretty clever, eh?

Kia Ora

Original discussion: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=217189

[Update 19/10]
Just realised I needed to use the "CODE" tag in steps 3 and 4. Sorry about that.

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  1. Most of the time, I use the Norway time that we can see close to each comment or messages and then use the widget World+Clock ( http://widgets.opera.com/widget/13582/ ) … to know if you are painting or sipping a beer. But it's difficult to know what is best : to have our own time or the same time for all ?

  2. Originally posted by arduinna:

    But it's difficult to know what is best : to have our own time or the same time for all ?

    Yeah. For me, the European times are easier to work out, swap am/pm and give or take an hour. Difficult ones are those in the American continents.

  3. Yes for you and DH, it's simple to guess, we just to change "pm" in "am", to know if you are shopping, sleeping and "operaian" active.

  4. Well ok : eating + watching TV + posting on Opera + sleeping + sipping a beer (DH option) ( evening) gardening + shopping + hiking +posting on Opera + painting + walking the dog (DH option ) (morning)
    I'm afraid you cannot imagine how you are busy for us πŸ˜† !!

  5. :lol:I admit I enjoy perks of being self employed working from home using computer.
