Project-R final stage

Just want to give you a quick update about my roof painting project.

I'm happy to announce the project has moved onto its final stage of painting the top coats.

I've uploaded a few pictures to my Project-R album, on the stage-3 surface preparation by wire brushing and spot priming. It's nowhere near as spectacular as the previous stages. No scary nail puller, ugly rust holes or even more scary angle grinder. But I hope you can see evidence of progress from those pictures.

I'll be spending this weekend trying to finish the project off, without keeping my fingers crossed (because crossed fingers could not hold paint brush :p)

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  1. Glad that you are close to an end :up: !What will be the final color, will the blue disappear under the same color you have on your arm ? Just like a camouflage ? Be careful that your neighbours want you to give them a hand and have the same upgrade :insane: ….Great job , congrats , … "courage" !!

  2. Cheers Michal :cheers: :cool:Thank you, Olivier. The colour will be "Mist Green", almost the same as the neighbouer's roof. It also matches the darker green on window trims and doors. :happy:

  3. Been up on the roof since about 9. Finished painting ridges, rims, flashings and horizontal joints by lunch time. Done the NW facing side in under 2 hours. Was cloudy earlier, which helped, but now sun's out and the roof iron is too hot. Having a longish break to cool down. :coffee:

  4. Checked out your album. I think that you're doing great. Very exciting to think the job might be completed this weekend. I'll be thinking of you. 🙂

  5. Happy to hear the project-R is soon finished :up:Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    The colour will be "Mist Green"

    Nice color and somewhat similar green tones are popular also around here 🙂

  6. Thank you, Deb. Finishing this weekend may not be quite realistic. But Monday weather seems also quite good, so I'm hoping to push on and aim to complete by Monday. Fingers crossed (while I'm not painting :p)Originally posted by darkesthour:

    I do love the Mediterranean concept of siesta…

    :yes: I don't normally sleep in and am not good at doing that even after a late night and free morning. But I love naps. :flirt: :zzz: Originally posted by serola:

    Nice color and somewhat similar green tones are popular also around here

    Yes. I think it's a nice colour. Also now mine and two other houses next to mine all have the same colour roofs. I think it makes our neighburhood look nice and streamlined. 🙂

  7. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Also now mine and two other houses next to mine all have the same colour roofs. I think it makes our neighburhood look nice and streamlined.

    So you say till one morning you find one of your neighbors sleeping on your sofa because mistakenly went wrong house when going home from late night party 😆

  8. Originally posted by serola:

    because mistakenly went wrong house when going home from late night party

    😆 😆 I normally lock the doors before going to bed, you know? :p

  9. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    I do love the Mediterranean concept of siesta

    Nor a concept , neither a legend , easy to try for free !!@ MM :A blue roof was easier to spot. Now which one … a red "O" as Opera maybe :whistle: ?

  10. It is sort of a New Zealand DIY tattoo… and MM did the tattoo herself. 😀

  11. I know you are ecstatic to be in the final stage of your roof project. Nice arm art. Can't wait to see your roof in that color.

  12. Originally posted by serola:

    Yes, that do help to keep the neighbors out

    Hope that's enough :lol:Originally posted by arduinna:

    @ MM :A blue roof was easier to spot. Now which one … a red "O" as Opera maybe

    Shouldn't be to hard to distinguish. My house has green doors ;)@Steffi and Deb 😆 the "tatoo" is already peeling off :D@AnnetteThank you for thumbs up. I'm so relieved to get here, to be able to finish it before winter rains come. I'll put up a photo when the first coat is on. 🙂

  13. I like the concept, i have never been able to sleep in the day though :awww:

  14. Nope, the only time i sleep in the day is if I am really, really ill or been in a very bad accident, apart from that, never, not even after sunday lunchtime drinking 😀

  15. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    do you mean that I am boring

    😆 Not at all. But I've been on the roof since 930 and finally got around to getting lunch. The roofs too hot for painting at least until 4, which means it's a serious siesta time for me. Be back later. Have a good afternoon. TTFN

  16. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    i have never been able to sleep in the day though

    Imagine this. You went out for dinner last night and didn't come home until past midnight. You had to get up at 5am today to drive your family to the airport. Then you promised to help your neighbour with some DIY job this morning, which was supposed to finish by morning tea but ended up as twice as long. Your good neighbour shouted you a hearty lunch and several beers to make up for the extra. You've just got home now, past 2pm, and decided to have a wee horizontal time to ease your aching back in the old couch on the shady porch by the back yard. Feet up, head on cushion, feeling breeze cooling off your head, hearing birds chirping in distance. You stretch and relax. Feeling tensed muscles loosening. You let your mind off. Your legs feel heavy, comfortably heavy. Your upper body is so relaxed you feel as if sinking in the firm cushions. The you start to feel your whole body almost floating. …Did it work? :p

  17. 45min power nap followed by 3 hours of solid painting. I've now finished the first of the two top coats. 😀 I'm exhausted but feeling great, too. Tomorrow's supposed to be good, too. But the forecast said rain developing Tuesday. I don't think finishing the second top coat tomorrow is a realistic goal, but will do as much as I can. See how I go. :coffee:Full moon tonight, suppose to be extra large. I shall get my camera out 🙂

  18. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    You can start on the inside woodwork while you wait

    Or an extended siesta :pAnyway, here's the picture after top coat #1. Click to go to th larger photo.

  19. Raining cats and dogs here this morning, seems to be easing up now but more to follow I reckon

  20. Sounds like a plan… You can start on the inside woodwork while you wait 😀

  21. Yeah. Not too promising. Not raining here yet. But the roof is wet with heavy dew and doesn't look like drying under the low clouds and misty condition. Well, the first top coat is on. I think I'll wait for next run of good weather, which is forecast this coming weekend.

  22. Congrats! :hat:.Nothing like a job well done to bolster the ego. 😀

  23. Thank you, Aadil :happy: :cool:The second top coat is still to go on. Not quite complete yet. 😉

  24. I was just stopping by to see if there was an update. Now that I know how slippery the roof is with the new paint, it would seem that getting the second coat of paint on is going to be much more difficult than the first.

  25. Thanks for stopping by, Deb. I found the slippery roof problem was caused by oily surface residue from the paint. Not sure if that was the issue with paint, the issue with the particular batch or the way I handled paint. But I was able to remedy the situation by wiping down with ethanol solution (methylated spirit). It took a couple of days to work that out, but now I should be able to resume the second top coat weather permitting, maybe Wednesday. 🙂

  26. Originally posted by debplatt:

    You are so good troubleshooting

    Thanks, Deb. Not as fast as I'd liked, but I got there in the end. 🙂

  27. You are so good troubleshooting the kinds of problems that pop up during a DIY project. :up:

  28. :up: It's like a brand-new roof !Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Full moon tonight, suppose to be extra large

    Good for extra painting, since you can sleep during the daytime :p !
