Just a quick "breaking news" report to say that I finished putting the last bit of second top coat on my roof exactly at 12.30, 31 March NZDST (23.30, 30 March GMT). 😀
I've got a couple of translation jobs to do right now, but will post a full report of the final stage in due time. Thank you everyone for your encouragement and support. :happy:
[Update]Now completely in the gloomy wet weather, writing about roof painting seems not quite relevant. So I will just add this update to conclude my Project-R reporting.
I have finally uploaded the last of the last lot of photos to album, Project-R. The album is now concluded, and arranged in ascending chronological order (the oldest first). If you want to skip the earlier photos and see the newest ones, click the image.
To all my Northern Hemisphere friends. When are you going to start your painting project? 😀
Summer Angel, thanks for the tip on the viewing order.We watch TV via cable through Time Warner. We have continued with their cheaper, analog plan. Besides being less expenisve, this allows us to use an analog tuner in our computer so we can record shows, kind of like Tivo, but free. Our internet is also provided via Time Warner cable.
For another popular option you can use MythTV, but you still need the tuner card or some similar method to receive a signal. :up:.Some satellite systems have built-in pvr.A good capture card should have hdmi inputs though. :up:.
Originally posted by debplatt:
This might helphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_Gas_episodes
Originally posted by qlue:
In our case since we don't have digital cable, hdmi inputs aren't really necessary. I have to say that having a computer attached to the TV has been a total win. Besides recording and watching TV shows, we have also been watching Netflix and Amazon.com instant downloads on it. Plus so many YouTube videos are high-res now that you can watch them full screen on the TV and they look fine. That's what we did when we watched the first episode of "Corner Gas" on YouTube.
Originally posted by Mickeyjoe-Irl:
:doh: Wikipedia is my friend. :up:
Originally posted by Mickeyjoe-Irl:
:doh: Wikipedia is my friend. :up:
Originally posted by qlue:
Qlue, I visited the link to MythTV. Do you mean it is an option to use instead of Dish Network or did you mean Windows Media Center?
Thank you qlue.
I meant, instead of Windows Media Centre. :up:.It's a popular option for a dedicated entertainment pc. :up:.
Originally posted by Mickeyjoe-Irl:
Thanks Mick. Now I won't get lost either.
Thank you for the link Deb. I visited and left you a comment.
Originally posted by debplatt:
Originally posted by SummerAngel:
No worries. 🙂
Final updates – Done! 😀
Originally posted by arduinna:
Thank you. :cheers: :happy:
Just in time to prepare winter now :yes: :sing: :up: :wine: …