Flat out busy – a short update

I'm enjoying the first calm, fine & deadline free in weeks. Just thought I should make a short post letting you know why I have been rather inactive lately.

I've been totally flat out in the last couple of months. I've had 20 deadlines so far since beginning of October and submitted about 30,000 words worth of translation. :faint: I've also put a bit of work into the vege patch and took quite a lot of photographs. Hopefully I have the time & energy to go through, choose, edit & upload the pictures and write up another blog post before October ends.

But first I'm going to enjoy this classic beautiful Wellington morning digital free. Be back later. 😉


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  1. Put those dainty feet up and settle back with a cuppa; we can wait.

  2. Cheers dW. Doing exactly that right now, after getting the seedlings out from the grow house & hanging washing out. Plan to go garden & DIY shopping soon. Thinking about shopping list. How's it going over there? Are you affected by Sandy?

  3. Lovely scene- I love it when you can drag yourself away from monitors and offices, out back in the real world.

  4. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    How's it going over there? Are you affected by Sandy?

    Locally, wind enough to blow your hair off, but I don't know how much relationship there is to Sandy … after all, I'm a good 800 miles inland (good English miles, too, not those silly French things) and a mountain range away, but there may be some interaction with Sandy's flow in the upper air. On the other hand, I just saw a picture from NYC and there's 15 feet of storm surge in lower Manhattan Island. My old stamping grounds on the New Jersey shore are essentially underwater; the luxury homes on the barrier islands are probably gone by now.

  5. A report just now off the BBC said that the water was up to the traffic lights on Wall Street … that's over 10 feet, I think. Much of the Island is dark, unless the building has its own generators, because the water is pouring into the subways and underground tunnels … I bet they're regretting taking down all their overhead cables and putting them underground … LOL. Man, this is going to be a fun cleanup!

  6. Wellington didn't disappoint and treated us with a balmy 20.6°C. Clear sky all day with light breeze. You can almost feel summer's around corner. :cool:Turned out I didn't go any further than the hardware store for DIY shopping. Managed to fix the fence panels broken by the Wellington gale. Wasn't easy because of the climbing rose planted just on the other side of the fence. Bit of gaps here & there, but does the job of blocking wind & providing privacy. :happy:Originally posted by chthoniid:

    I love it when you can drag yourself away from monitors and offices, out back in the real world.

    Especially when it coincides with gorgeous weather. :DI'm hoping I have a free day again tomorrow for grocery shopping & garden centre excursion, which I didn't get to do today.

  7. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    On the other hand, I just saw a picture from NYC and there's 15 feet of storm surge in lower Manhattan Island. My old stamping grounds on the New Jersey shore are essentially underwater; the luxury homes on the barrier islands are probably gone by now.

    I haven't seen the video yet, but it sounds bad. TVNZ website reporting 11 people dead. 🙁 Hope there's no more casualties and help goes to those affected quickly.

  8. Reminds me of a British scifi TV film about a flood in London. A super storm generated sea surge goes over the Thames flood barrier and floods the city. With the barrier down, the water is dammed up with no drainage. The hero & his estranged wife risk their lives to raise the flood barrier. If they fail, the royal air force will bomb & destroy the barrier, with them still inside the control tower. …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_(film)

  9. A John Wyndham novel, published either as The Kraken Wakes (UK), or Out of the Deeps (US) might interest you … it's old, so you might have to do some looking; I've lost my copy, or I'd send it to you.

  10. Wall Street under water? :eyes:That's got my head spinning so that I've forgotten what I wanted to write!:sst: Can we say that Wall Street is 'liquid' now? :whistle:

  11. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    The Kraken Wakes (UK)

    One of the classic I've long intended to read but never had a chance to. Will look around. :DOriginally posted by qlue:

    Can we say that Wall Street is 'liquid' now?

    Wall Street under liquidation :p

  12. I suppose you also manage to get good salary and fresh food to eat after all that hard work inside and outside :)P.S. Good bye to that old tree… :awww:

  13. Originally posted by serola:

    manage to get good salary

    I wish! :cry:Originally posted by serola:

    Good bye to that old tree

    The front yard doesn't look the same. But, on the other hand, now I see the stretch of hills without broken up by the tree. Whole new photo-opportunities are there for me to discover! 😀

  14. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    now I see the stretch of hills without broken up by the tree

    Good point :up:
