Last fire of season

Saturday evening. I've just put the last of remaining firewood in the wood burner.

It's cold outside. I'm inside with my cat relaxing and watching the last fire of season giving away cosy warmth.

There are people in neighbourhood trying to use up the fireworks they bought for the Guy Fawkes night yesterday, but too chicken to light them in the cold rain last night. The noises don't seem to disturb my cat very much, which is a good thing.

Life is good.

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  1. I wish having a fireplace 🙂 It's so nice to just sit and watch the fire :coffee:

  2. Hi, Sami, thanks for popping in. Originally posted by serola:

    It's so nice to just sit and watch the fire

    Yes, nothing quite compares to the great feeling of watching real fire. It certainly makes me forget how messy the lounge is or how old, tatty and worn out my lounge furniture looks. :lol:I took another photo, trying to use "shutter speed priority" setting that came with my new camera. It turned out quite a bit darker but, I think, it shows an interesting pattern the flame made. What do you think?

  3. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Hi, Sami, thanks for popping in

    I have subscribed to your blog 😉

  4. :eyes: No. Should I? I thought the Halloween was over a week ago!:yikes:

  5. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    There is a face on the right hand side..

    I can also see it. 🙂 I also love to sit at the fireplace in my living-room.

  6. What? You, too? :eyes:Are you guys wizards or something? Would the face come up and talk to me to discuss some secret business concerning the Order of Phoenix? :p

  7. I did a bit of section tidy up yesterday and got a wool fadge full of dry branches I could burn. I know I'm not supposed to use the wood burner as an incinerator. But I'll have to have the chimney sweeped after the season anyway. So I might as well burn those branches and take more fire shots. 😀 FYI

    Fadge … — n 3. ( NZ ) a package of wool in a wool-bale that weighs less than 100 kilograms …Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009


  8. They fill them up with wool then compress it all in a big press, then steel bands with a special stamped in connector to hold it together are wrapped and fastened round the bale.I used to repair the tooling for a local company that made the steel bands

  9. Thanks for the info, DH. I saw on doco shows how wool shearer's hands put wool in a fadge, take it to the press machine and press it. But didn't know about the steel bands and stamping. :)Those old fadges are great for putting garden rubbish away but the resulting bundle is often almost too big for me. Thankfully I'm almost done with serious rubbish removal process.Originally posted by darkesthour:

    I used to repair the tooling for a local company that made the steel bands

    Was that in Hawkes Bay, back in England or in between? 😉

  10. :up: I like the HB. Nice farming country but not too flat like Canterbury. Visited Napier a couple of times on our way to a trip around East Cape and tramping at Waikaremoana. Also visited South HB on my way tramping in Northern Ruahines or Southern Kawekas. Waipukurau had a good motor camp, where we stayed night before our trip. :)I suppose sheep farms are now fewer there because some have been converted to vineyards and orchards.

  11. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    There are still a few big ones

    And they still use the same steel banding machine? :)I suppose dairy is more profitable than wool sheep farming, but also seems more affected by international market and currency rate. Not a good time for the exporters.

  12. It was an innocently chat about the wool fadge. You are the one mentioned the steal bands first! 😡 Anyway it looks like it's going to be another fine afternoon, though a little windy. I've just submitted a little translation job and free the rest of day. So will be off line for a while for either a little nap, walk or both. :DTTFN. And leave those poor little sheep alone, DH :p

  13. There are still a few big ones, also more dairy here now than there used to be

  14. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    There are still a few big ones

    I meant the sheep farms… Steel banding sheep is probably not PC 😆
