The beast tamed

Although I declared Project-R stage one is complete, there were a couple of rusty spots that needed a serious repair.

Since then I bought a sheet of roofing iron and needed to cut it into smaller pieces for the patch up. I also need to cut the rusted out area out of the thick corrugated iron sheet. But how?

I borrowed an angle grinder from my DIY neighbour friend. But had a big difficulty controlling the potentially very dangerous tool. Then I tried a low tech approach, which wasn't pretty

Getting a little desperate, I went to my hardware store again and consulted my trusty powertool guy. Should I perhaps buy a nibbler attachment for safety? It should not be necessary, I was told. Instead of selling me another not cheap piece of hardware, my trusty powertool guy insisted I try the angle grinder again. He opened a box of angle grinder to show me how to hold it properly, and basically just encouraged me that it could be done. So I left the shop with nothing but a piece of advice.

And guess what? He was right! All that was needed for me was his pep talk and the correct instruction! I was able to use the angle grinder to trim off the jagged edges in a few minutes!

I took the cut piece up on the roof and put it by the spot that needed replacing. What do I do now? I decided I might as well try to do the patch job today. I got the power code and the angle grinder, and proceeded to cut out the rusted pieces. In a couple of hours, it was all done!

  • Cutting out the rusted out pieces
  • Patching the rusty site 1
  • The rusted out pieces cut out from site 2
  • Patching the rusty site 2

The stage one is truly complete

Join the Conversation

  1. :hat: Job well done! You literally tamed the beast! 😀 There are jobs that like that, which needs just courage to get them done. I used to hate drilling holes into concrete walls but after trying it I somewhat got used to put up with it.

  2. Thanks Deb. Laying the pieces in right order took a while. Because the lower piece has to be under the one above, I had to push in the new pieces under old iron, and naturally they didn't go in smoothly. So I had to take neighbouring nails out to loosen the iron on top! In the end they lined up OK. 😎

  3. Thank you again, Crysta. You have a great day/evening/night, too. :wine: 🙂

  4. Thank you, Sami. One little advice my trusty powertool guy gave me was to use ear plugs, because the noise it makes can be intimidating and stopping me from holding the tool firmly. I think he was right. :happy:

  5. Originally posted by qlue:

    much better than scissors.

    And much quicker and painless. I had sore arms for a couple of days after trying manual cutting :p

  6. I've uploaded a few more related photos:
    Related to yesterday's operation "Taming the beast"

    Related to the "Wild beast" era 😀

  7. actually, the 'earplugs' or hearing protection would be a legal requirement in an employment situation. (the employer must supply hearing protection to employees using powertools or machinery or working such equipment is used)

  8. Originally posted by qlue:

    the 'earplugs' or hearing protection would be a legal requirement in an employment situation.

    I think it is. According to a study done in NZ the DIYers are the worst offender in not observing the hearing protection rule. :pBTW, there's a change in how things appear in your Latest Activities page and your comment would appear in full in your friends respective Latest Activities page even when made to someone else's blog post or photo. Meaning your friends (some of them don't know me at all) can all see what you've just commented here. And vice versa. I think it's appalling. Zeph started a topic about this in the community forum. You might want to add your voice if you have a strong opinion about it, like I did.

  9. Your DIY skills amaze me. I would never be brave enough to tackle roof repair…and I'm sure if I did attempt it, I would be paying professionals to finish the job. I'm going right now to check out my Latest Activities page. I wonder if that includes comments made to Friends Only Posts…

  10. I never use, "Latest Activity", in fact I am not sure what they are good for??? 🙁

  11. where do I find the latest activity page? :left:. They've hacked this this site to pieces so much that I'm suprised I can still find the notifications! :insane:.

  12. Originally posted by qlue:

    where do I find the latest activity page?

    Go up to the top bar and let your cursor hover over your name. The first item in the dropdown menu which appears is "latest activities".Originally posted by crystalacey:

    I am not sure what they are good for???

    Well now it very good for stalking your Opera friends. :lol:For instance here is an item from my "Latest activities" page:If I wanted to, I could hit the reply link following this disembodied comment, and insert myself into a conversation that I know nothing about. :whistle:

  13. That "last activities" change is really bad. Like Deb said, the worst part is the comments are being passed on totally out of context. To me, this new change is making the current friend system a lot less useful or desirable. 🙁

  14. Thank you Annette. Going up to my roof is not so bad. It's not steep and has good views. 🙂 I've always liked DIY, and, these days there are reasonably priced light duty powertools that help my lack of skills and strength. Of course doing it myself is a way cheaper than paying trade people to do it, as well as I can avoid having strangers prowling about my property.

  15. And I can't even check mine now as I'm currently using Operamini. (it doesn't work) :awww:.

  16. Originally posted by qlue:

    I'm currently using Operamini. (it doesn't work) .

    Oh, that sux. 🙁

  17. Originally posted by crystalacey:

    "Latest Activity", in fact I am not sure what they are good for???

    Nothing, really. At least not now. In the past I could use it to complement the subscriptions, especially when someone added new photos to their albums at my photography group, Shoot&Tell. But now it's useless, because it is inundated with my friends' comments to total strangers! :(:furious:
