Miracle or what?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a rare fine weather day I didn't have to work. So I decided to do a bit of tidy up outside. …

I worked a couple of hours outside, getting hot and sweating a lot. Felt good finally feeling heat after the long cold winter and damp cool spring.

After a backbreaking dehydrating morning outside, I had a long rest inside and lunch.

That was when I thought, 'Hmmm. Wonder what's happening with the seed trays? Hope they aren't getting dried out.' So I went out to check on seed trays in the little grow house.

Looking from outside, it seemed nothing much was happening. But surely there was nothing in that pumpkin tray this morning!?

What I didn't realise immediately was, that was the beginning of the miracle by the green magic of the mother nature!

I couldn't, and still can't, quite believe all that could happen in a matter of hours! :eyes:

I've never been known as a gardener. But I wonder if this was the case of there's first time for everything. You never know. I could be the green-fingered Queen of DIY! :p 😆


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  1. Originally posted by debplatt:

    I had no idea that so much progress would happen so fast.

    Neither had I! Almost spooky, eh? 😉

  2. Wow! I had no idea that so much progress would happen so fast. :alien:

  3. You should plant some more of those seeds and set your camera up on a tripod, stop motion film, one frame every hour :yes:

  4. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    set your camera up on a tripod,

    I have planted them out in ground but they seem experiencing a bit of transplantation shock. I might try doing what you suggest once they've settled and start growing again. 😀

  5. And paint dry … :whistle:I will do some painting later. But won't be a major operation like the last two seasons.

  6. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    you can sit out in the fields and hear the corn grow.

    :yes: I totally believe you, dW. Very cool. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Yes, they might be stubborn or camera shy…

    It's pumpkins you are talking about. Of course, they are stubborn. :p

  7. Paint your garden, you would be combining two of the things I hate most in one go… 😆

  8. Dark, hot, windless nights in Iowa, you can sit out in the fields and hear the corn grow.

  9. It's all up to the pumpkins, though, is it? They may decide not to grow during day from now on. :p

  10. No. I don't like bean sprouts. :yuck: Hey! I've TTFNed. Don't call me back for sprouts! TTFN (Seriously this time) :bye:

  11. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Paint your garden

    Are we talking about putting easel up and painting the picture of my tidy garden? 😆

  12. I practise. :pJust uploaded the beansprout picture for Deb. :DBetter be off to get the tea organised (tea = high tea = dinner, just in case someone gets confused.) TTFN. Be back later to check out more sprouts. 😀

  13. I've sown some runner beans seeds, too, which, incidentally, have just started to shoot up! :yes:

  14. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Almost spooky, eh?

    :yes: They sure do grow fast But that's great!

  15. Originally posted by serola:

    They sure do grow fast

    Yap. Heading straight to my near-future salad bowl. :DI've also managed to catch up with the 52 album. I'd call that a small miracle, too. :pNow, after having enjoyed some 8 hours of work-free care free afternoon, I've got booked for another 1400-word job. Deadline Friday. :awww: I shall budget the income to buy more seedling from garden centre. 😆

  16. Cheers, Michal :DJust checked. Beansprouts are becoming more like beanshoots. :yes:

  17. I wish you luck for your plants. I envy you, because the weather and season. Here it is quite cold, but sunny.

  18. Thank you, Angelika. The weather here hasn't quite warmed up and the seedlings are not getting easy start. Some beanshoots got eaten out by something I couldn't see. I've bought and planted out pea seedlings in vege bed, but some got broken off by the severe winds we had yesterday. 🙁 I have also bought pepper seedlings, both the sweet bell peppers and hot chillis, and decided to raise them in pot for a while until they are bigger and stronger. They seems doing OK. And I've sown several more types of seeds. Hopefully they have better luck. 🙂

  19. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    a reasonably powerful airgun

    :eyes: Would surely get me in trouble! :no:What I meant was the bean shoot leaves developing holes then completely gone in a couple of nights, which I assumed some nocturnal insect larvae. Quite funny you assumed something a lot bigger. :lol:However, out in the paddocks (pastures), like you see in my pictures of the skyline hills, rabbits and goats are indeed pests. I don't know what's being done with rabbits, but the council contracts goat shooters once a year.

  20. Plant marigolds (lots of 'em) all round your veggies, Damned few bunnies will pass marigolds … even the smell seems to bother them. I don't know your local laws, but a reasonably powerful airgun will usually kill small game … the added benefit is that you get some fresh meat for the pot.If you're having troubles with bigger critters, like deer (I don't know your local fauna), a sturdy monofilament fishline strung around your garden on trees, or the local equivalent of trees, at heights of about 3 and 4 feet, and also at about three inches, is a great deer deterrent … they can't see the stuff at night, when they are active, and it's very upsetting to them to find it, tactally. They go elsewhere.

  21. 😆 Sounds like a good excuse to start drinking beer regularly. I'm not sure about the gastropods, though. The beds are 90cm off ground (just under 3 foot) made of galvanised iron sheets. How would snails and slugs handle galvanised iron?

  22. Good heavens! They're that afraid of guns in NZ that you'd get in trouble for an airgun? Wow!Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    some nocturnal insect larvae

    Try slugs or snails … you should be able to see their slime trails in the early morning sunlight. There are specific poisons against them, but the simplest and cheapest is copper window screen set into the soil as a fence surrounding the plants. Copper is toxic to the gastropods.Or so I've heard.From the 'Net:"Exuberant beer drinkers, snails and slugs will congregate around a saucer of beer like an Irishman, and those drunken souls that don't drown in the drink can easily be picked off and tossed into your neighbor's yard; bury the saucers at ground level and keep the beer level deep enough to drown the mollusks. This type of trap is a good excuse to open a bottle of beer, but inverted melon rinds also make good traps. Scrape off the accumulated snails and slugs daily and destroy/relocate them. Do not use salt to destroy snails and slugs; it will increase soil salinity.""A copper band can be wrapped around planting boxes, headers, and the base of susceptible plants such as citrus trees — these barriers last for several years as the mucous required for snails and slugs to travel carries an electrical charge as they pass over the copper barrier. The bands need to be cleaned occasionally with a vinegar solution."

  23. Well it would be the zinc that would be the operant in this case … I have heard that that sulphurated iron (don't ask me what that is) will kill them, but I'm not sure about zinc.

  24. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    but I'm not sure about zinc.

    I shall see how long the beds remain snail free. :)I do think the culprit is a small caterpillar of a sort. Whatever it is, it's not a huge eater. The holes in leaves appear quite small at first then get bigger every morning.

  25. Zinc is fairly harmless unless you take it past 'boiling point', welding zinc plated steel creates toxic fumesI have heard that crushed eggshells put the little blighters off but have no evidence that it works..

  26. Landmines, rocket launchers and some sentry guns should cover it :yes:

  27. 😆 I was thinking more in line of the beer traps and inverted old pots. Those would probably make my neighbours very concerned and drive Arwen mad.

  28. I do. BTW Have you seen my latest post? I'm starting to wonder if people are getting sick of another photo sharing post or the long title is scaring people away.
