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  1. It's mind-boggling when you think of how people even that far back already knew of something like exactly when Venus was gonna trek across the Sun … where it could be seen and where it wouldn't be seen. All without computers.It's also mind-boggling to think of how big the Sun is when Venus looked like a speck … and the Sun is much farther away and it looks the size that it does.Frankly, as small as Venus was and apparently tough to see, I somehow think the pinhole projection onto a piece of paper method wouldn't have worked.

  2. Originally posted by Suntana:

    So, MM, ultimately, you owe your existence on MyOpera …

    Internet, more accurately. Mimi's Mum has been used since 1998 ;)Originally posted by Suntana:

    It's mind-boggling when you think of how people even that far back already knew of something like exactly when Venus was gonna trek across the Sun … where it could be seen and where it wouldn't be seen. All without computers.

    The other day I was watching a docu-drama about Endurance Captain Frank Worsely, titled "Shackleton's Captain". On their epic voyage from Elephant Islands to South Georgia in a small boat, Worsely calculated and plotted their course all in his head, and all he had was a sextant! No map, no paper. That is a truly amazing feat and proof we don't really need computers for serious work. :p

  3. Yeah, MM, that's impressive, especially when you consider that in my short history of using GPS via Internet Map Services … there have been 3 birthday parties to which I've gotten less than accurate directions.The 1st one sent me completely to the opposite side of the street where I was supposed to make my 1st turn.The 2nd one, Ehhh, it got me to the general area, but I still had to depend on winging it there at the end.The 3rd one, the directions were off by about a mile! :insane: I had to finally stop at a gas station and ask where the place was because the Pizza place was nowhere to be found at where the Internet Map Service claimed it was.Good thing those birthday parties weren't out on some island. I'd still be lost out in the ocean if I had to depend on the Internet Map Services.

  4. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    I have noticed that

    Read all my posts & comments. You will find no jokes by me that were not made seriously. ;)@Chuck Nothing beats map and compass, at least on land. :pOriginally posted by Suntana:

    I'd still be lost out in the ocean if I had to depend on the Internet Map Services.

    There was this South African couple, who booked over the Net a bed & breakfast in Eastbourne for their trip to Wellington for Rugby World Cup last year. They arrived at Eastbourne, Lower Hutt, on eastern shore of Wellington Harbour, only to find no B&B there. They inquired at a café and discovered they booked the B&B in Eastbourne, Sussex, England! 😆 Very fortunately, the café owners offered to put them up for the duration of their stay. 🙂 So there you are. There's no need for Internet map or Internet booking. Just turn up with your bags and you'll eventually get a room! 😀

  5. "Tis human to err. But it takes a computer to really foul it up!" :p .:sst: language cleaned up out of respect for the blog owner. :whistle:

  6. Originally posted by qlue:

    language cleaned up out of respect for the blog owner.

    Thanks ;):coffee:
