Suggestions for my antipodean New Year resolutions?

I am pretty sure if the dawn of era civilisations had established themselves in the southern hemisphere, we would celebrate coming of New Year just about now. Indeed we have Matariki, the Māori tradition to mark the beginning of a new year here in Aotearoa New Zealand. According to Te Ara Online Encyclopaedia of New Zealand: …

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.

Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who had died in the last year. But it was also a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting.

Matariki – Māori New Year

Somehow I've never got around to getting involved in a Matariki celebration, which seems more widely observed lately. June is almost over and I'm a bit too late to be directly celebrating Matariki this year. But I thought I might try celebrating the spirit by making some antipodean New Year resolutions.

My first resolution is, as expected, to get fitter. I bought an exercycle almost two years ago. And the odometer shows only 670km! (Oops. Was actually 700 :p) Now that's rather embarrassing, even though everyone knows an odometer on a basic level fitness machine is totally unreliable. I know I can do about "12km" if I do one hour on it. So my resolution 1-1 :p is to do 200km a month during the winter months.

My second resolution is to try not to put off things I can do now. I'm a terrible procrastinator. I know it's impossible to eliminate procrastination totally from my life. But I shall try to reduce it by a third quarter. :p

I wonder if you have more ideas, things I should be doing. More blog posts, perhaps? More pictures? What should I write about? What sort of pictures do you want to see?

Your suggestions are most welcome. 😉


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  1. I'm not a terrible procrastinator … I'm a very good procrastinator. It's an excellent way to sort those things that are real from those that are not … if you wait long enough, imagined problems melt away, saving your labour for those things that really need it.

  2. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    It's an excellent way to sort those things that are real from those that are not

    It's so true 😆 If it can wait, it's not important. Problem with me is I procrastinate and then things suddenly happen all at once. Our tax return deadline is in a week. I was thinking, oh, can't be bothered, it'd be OK until end of month. Now I've got a quite big order due the 5th. :insane:

  3. Yeah, the "don't worry, be happy" method of problem solving has it's advantages along with it's disadvantages. :yes: .

  4. Originally posted by qlue:


    Cheers, Aadil. :cheers:I think the resolution is having an immediate effect. I've stuck into the accounts and making a good progress. May even get it done today. 😀

  5. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    I always seem to resolve to muddle through.

    I never get how accounting works. But every year I seem able to find a new reason to increase my business related claims. As long as I could construct a good enough argument to justify why paying for something is a part of my business operation costs, the IRD (Inland Revenue Department) has been happy to accept it. I'm hoping this year's business expense category expansion is again convincing enough to them. :pThe accounts are pretty much done. It shouldn't take too long to fill the tax return form and send away. :coffee:

  6. Well. The resolutions are working swimmingly. Managed to clock "13km" on the exercycle odometer. 😀

  7. The accounts finished & printed out. The tax return forms filled. All in the envelope, addressed, stamped and ready to post. :yes:I can tell you making mid-year resolutions really works. :happy:BTW I'm still open to your suggestions as to what I should write about and what sort of pictures you'd want to see. 😉

  8. quote MM: "More pictures?"That would be something for me. I would like to see more pictures of NZs landscapes/ coasts. I loved it to be there and enjoyed it very much. Is a bicycle without wheels called "exercyle"? That's a good thing to do "Workouts". I wish you a good stamina and sit trough. A healthy time for you!

  9. Originally posted by 7Wellis:

    "More pictures?"That would be something for me.

    Certainly. 😀 I'm a bit busy at the moment. But I intend to do another walk in the West Wind – Makara area, from Makara end at the coast this time. ;)Originally posted by 7Wellis:

    I wish you a good stamina

    Thanks. I hope to do 1 hour "run" 4 days a week. The best way I found was exercycling from about 5pm in front of TV watching TV food show Master Chef. :p Exercise also seems to reduce my appetite, stopping me from getting too large dinner serving.

  10. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    I hope to do 1 hour "run" 4 days a week.

    That is much time and naturally good for your health. Unfortunately I haven't such a bike at home, but I'm in a gym and practice there for 2 times a week my hours on a treadmill. I have also noticed that I am more motivated to do things when I trained. To look while cycling on a TV food show is much better for the figure than to eat meanwhile you (for example) are reading a book…

  11. Four a week may be a little too ambitious/ too much. But I shall try. I have never been on a treadmill. I'm a bit clumsy so I would probably have a fall if I tried. :pOriginally posted by 7Wellis:

    to eat meanwhile you (for example) are reading a book…

    Guilty 😮

  12. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:


    I know this of myself; I am a realy bookworm, but paper isn't enough …. 😉

  13. Treadmills, at least in my experience, have grab-rails on either side and in front, so if you get a little out of your depth, you can grab the rails and put your feet on the non-moving edges of the base, on either side of the moving strip. They're pretty safe, if you keep your wits about you.

  14. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Treadmills, at least in my experience, have grab-rails on either side and in front, so if you get a little out of your depth, you can grab the rails and put your feet on the non-moving edges of the base, on either side of the moving strip.

    Great idea but why didn't this guy think of that? :sherlock:

  15. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Testosterone poisoning.

    😆 .

  16. Me, too, Angelika. I used to read in bed, probably the reason why my eyesight is bad. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    if you keep your wits about you

    That could be a problem for me. I get distracted rather easily.Originally posted by qlue:

    why didn't this guy think of that?

    he was distracted by his neighbour 😆

  17. The resolutions are working nicely. :)I have an additional resolution now after the ground shaking event few days ago. Resolution 3 Prepare for a disaster@AngelikaUnfortunately I've been busy with work and/or weather's been no good for walk+photo. Next week may be batter, according to the Met Service. So fingers crossed.

  18. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    So fingers crossed.

    I will do that. 🙂 By the way – the good weather is here!

  19. Originally posted by 7Wellis:

    the good weather is here!

    But not here 😥

  20. Soon you will laugh, because of the sunshine in NZ and I will need this 😥 .

  21. Nice ones, MM.Do you, perhaps, remember George Silk? AS I recall, he did an absolutely stunning series of NZ shots, for LIFE magazine, IIRC.Excuse any typos; it's late, it's dark, and I'm drunk.

  22. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Do you, perhaps, remember George Silk?

    I did not know the name. But after a little web search, I realise I've seen at least on of his photos, the Papuan warrior helping a wounded Australian soldier.Auckland Art Gallery has written an article about that picture: posted by derWandersmann:

    it's late, it's dark, and I'm drunk.

    Those three tend to come together. Take care, have a little good time and sweet dreams 🙂

  23. So my resolution 1-1 is to do 200km a month during the winter months.

    Just clocked 900km on the odometer, up 200km from 700km a month ago. :yes:I aim to continue this effort and achieve 1100 by end of August 😀
