The bachelors at Sinclair

For quite some time I was meaning to visit the bachelors at Sinclair. The usual 'Oh, can't be bothered today', 'No sun. Not great for photos', 'Too cold' or 'Too windy' got in my way. Yesterday I finally managed to get myself in my […]

The Longest Day

About now the competitors will be well into their mountain run section of Coast to Coast One Day Event, famously referred to as "The Longest Day". Today will be the 26th Longest Day for the race organiser, Robin Judkins. …

On Crows Nest On Waitangi Day

The Crow's Nest is the prominent peak towering over the Wellington suburbs of Crofton Downs and Ngaio. I have been to this handsome peak twice before. I was meaning to visit the peak again for some time. It's time I rectified the situation. Waitangi […]

Blessed silliness

Apart from the beautiful frozen landscape, another thing that fascinated me in the snowmageddon polar blast saga was the British actor Stephen Fry. I have been following him on Twitter and found his tweets oddly fascinating and rather amusing. For example, this was what […]