Two years on

Another 22nd February is with us here in New Zealand. Hard to believe it has already been two years, since Christchurch, and, New Zealand were changed forever.

I read back the blog post I wrote to describe my experience on that day, and realise I still cannot help becoming tearful half way through.

I have not had a chance to visit Christchurch, although I do intend to some day, maybe when all the good people of Christchurch had their homes rebuild and local shops open. I'm not sure when it would be. I've heard some people are still sleeping in there cars because there is a serious shortage of rental properties. So until then, I remember Christchurch as I captured 20+ years ago in my film cameras.

The City Fallen will some day rise again. But it will never be the same. Nothing will stay the same. So remember what you can and cherish what you have now.

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  1. Surely it is still a hard time for the people who has lost their friends, relatives and home.. I know what I have here where I am living with my comfort and commonplaces (I hope it's the right English word) and I enjoy it every day. I hope you too, MM.

  2. And war does the same :awww: Some cities in Europe has rebuild all too fast after war when architecture was really bad. Many beautiful buildings were lost forever.

  3. It was a shocking day. The news stories just keep getting worse and the desperate agony of trying to contact friends there, to make sure they were ok, was acute.

  4. Ange, Sami and Brendan. Thanks for your comments. I have tens of things going through my head but I don't think I could put even one of them in words. But I appreciate your words and thoughts. Thanks.
