Blessed silliness

Apart from the beautiful frozen landscape, another thing that fascinated me in the snowmageddon polar blast saga was the British actor Stephen Fry. I have been following him on Twitter and found his tweets oddly fascinating and rather amusing.

For example, this was what he had to say about NZ's reaction to the big chill:

NZ has, bless it, gone officially mad. First snow in Auckland since the 30s. Children running along with open mouths to taste the flakes 🙂

Officially mad!!? :irked: Such an understatement! :p …

Then, the next day, he went on to have a say about, mother Earth forbid, Wellington weather …

Wellington's weather is just being silly now. It's made its point and is to behave. Wonder if it's enough to stop Jimmy Nesbitt golfing tho.

What!? Weather is a very serious business in Wellington. No one calls Wellington weather silly!! :irked:

Well, my dear readers, you'll be the judge. Do you call this silly?


(Aside: I think I've officially gone mad. Two posts in 12 hours! Goodness!!)


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  1. If that's sily, then our weather is berserk :p A little snow and fog don't hurt anyone, unless you get lost and slip 😆

  2. Originally posted by serola:

    If that's sily, then our weather is berserk

    :irked: Then your weather IS berserk! :p Here. This might help 😆BTW Stephen Fry was commenting about the speed of weather change, snow replacing complete sunny condition in a matter of hour. Not actual quantity of snow. 😉

  3. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    Officially mad is better than unofficially mad I reckon

    😆 A quintessential British observation, is it? :whistle:

  4. Well, as a nation, we are regarded by the rest of the world as being officially mad 😀

  5. Fly Agaric and Berserk is nicely historically linked..Officially mad is better than unofficially mad I reckon :insane: 😆

  6. I don't watch Monty Python, though. Would Doctor Who do the same? I wonder if it might to do with having been acquainted wit a certain Englishman with a fondness to Monty Python? :whistle:

  7. It is actually catching, long exposure to Monty Python can affect your mind

  8. Originally posted by darkesthour:

    like me here

    The expression "speaking for yourself" has a whole new meaning. 😆

  9. :lol:Right. I'd better go. Got work to do today. Thanks for stopping by, DH. TTFN.
