Fifteen shades of grey … clouds

It has been rather a mild winter here in Wellington, though quite wet. I was feeling a bit down, grey and old after being stuck indoors working against tight deadlines, as well as still reeling from the shock departure of my good friend darkesthour from the online community. …

Then yesterday, whiling admiring shiny menacing cumulus and the ever changing shades of clouds through my camera lens, suddenly the phrase, "Fifty Shades of Grey, … Clouds" popped up in my head and made me giggle all by myself.* :p

Of course uploading fifty pictures of grey clouds would bore me and my friends to death. But five seems doable, so I carried on taking some more, intending to choose five for I Am No Photographer album at Shoot & Tell. Then, when I was looking through the pictures earlier today, it seemed there were more than five good ones I felt like sharing.

I now have chosen fifteen and uploaded to Fleeting Moments album as a series of photos of the grey clouds, of their perpetually changing fleeting existence. Naturally I've tagged the series, FifteenShadesOfGreyClouds 😛

* I hope you get the joke. But if you don't, here's some reference 😀
Fifty Shades of Grey on Wikipedia
Shadows of Shades of Grey – five of the best spoofs and spinoffs (New Zealand Listener article by Toby Manhire aka @toby_etc)

I'm in the process of getting Five Shades of Grey Clouds series ready for I Am NO Photographer. The pictures were already chosen. But I would like to add some suitable descriptions to go along with them. 😉 And, no, I have not read the book, yet. :p

Five Shades of Grey Clouds uploaded with suitable descriptions. 😀


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  1. Thanks, dW. Yes, we share a special fondness of sky and clouds. Shall we talk to Michal about it?

  2. Nice clouds, MM … of course, you know about Michal's and my penchant for shooting clouds from looking at our albums.I wonder if we should start a cloud group?

  3. Maybe … the main thing I've noticed about most groups, though, is they tend to choke themselves with rules … that would be something to avoid.

  4. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    they tend to choke themselves with rules …

    Yes. I noticed that, too. :p Fewer the better, I reckon. We could make it invites only so that we're sure of member character, and operate as a group of mature adults acting on common sense and respect to others, rather than rule-driven.

  5. Worth a try … we'd have to work out the methods of invitation (unanimity? majority? one person makes an invitation?) and expulsion (same sort of questions). Since this is supposed to be a strife-free group, it might be necessary to expel a trouble-maker, for instance.

  6. Hmmm. Haven't thought about those things, actually. Seems we will still need to agree on some sort of guidelines on how we operate. :confused:

  7. Just uploaded Five Shades of Grey Clouds to my Shoot & Tell album, with suitable descriptions, of course. 😀 Please go have a read and tell me what you think. Have I overdone on the theme? Not enough? Or completely off the mark? 😉

  8. quote: "….as well as still reeling from the shock departure of my good friend darkesthour from the online community"I felt the same when I came back from Sweden! :awww:

  9. Yes, Angelika. It was a real shock. The place is never the same without him. :awww:I've been a bit under pressure from work orders and deadlines lately. So I have to keep my online social actions to minimum. Sorry I haven't been around to your site lately. I'll check out your blog when all this madness is over, in probably another 10 days or so.

  10. Thank you for this information, dear MM. Don't worry! This week I will be in another part of Germany. Don't work too much – begrudge a few breaks!:)

  11. Originally posted by 7Wellis:

    This week I will be in another part of Germany.

    Still summer for you over there, is it? Have a great time. 🙂
