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  1. Thank you, Eric. 🙂 Not many major events happening around here. And I've been inundated with translation orders lately. But Wilton is beautiful. Arwen is entertaining and the seeds arrived. So there are some good shutter chances I can manage to catch 😉

  2. Hello Crysta! :DThank you very much. I've had a very good day. And it's 5.30 pm, time to start getting dinner ready. How's things with you? Enjoying early autumn?

  3. Hi,The weather has been very good now that summer is over??? HUH, Oh well thats how it goes some times. I have been feeling much better the last couple of weeks, so I have been able to concentrate on my Tower and routers. My PC is the most stable now since I got it in the spring and routers are walkin' and talkin' with each other, the PC and the Wide Wide World. So finally stability has arrived. I still have my simulators to install and W 8 RC to check it out but I have made a lot of progress between my health and the PC's health. :DThanks for asking….

  4. So you've spent good weather indoors with Tower and routers, while I spent the last couple of days under beautiful clear sky and warm spring sun potting seedlings and preparing garden bed? Sounds like situation all normal to me. Stability is important in both cases. 😀

  5. Sounds like you have it about right!!! I am inside most of the time but today was my going to the Kerby Center(Seniors) and then downtown to the Devonian Gardens, integrated into the only downtown mall, on the fourth floor. I love eating lunch there watching the Koi. I spent almost 5 hours talking to Cisco in the PI's getting my router setup fine tuned after a firmware upgrade completed OKAY but failed to get Cloudy in their Cloud Server. She showed me the one thing I didn't try on the router that I really wanted to be my Bridge/switch, so it was well worth the time. May was very good and really knew her stuff!!!

  6. @Crysta The town excursion sounds very nice. And getting the Clouds up in the virtual sky again seems like a major project. Hope they pay you well. :D@SamiThanks. I've already missed a couple of days. And I've also a couple of days with two photos, which I felt the right thing to do for a photo diary. 😀

  7. BTWYou guys all know why 53 (the current one) is called 53 and 52 (the previous one) is called 52, don't you? 😀

  8. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    BTWYou guys all know why 53 (the current one) is called 53 and 52 (the previous one) is called 52, don't you?

    You just had a birthday???

  9. Thank you, Crysta :)I take it you didn't get too bad shaking where you were. M7.7 can be very nasty if you're too close. Take care.

  10. No, that was over 1000 miles west of me on the other side of the Rocky Mountains in the Pacific Ocean. 🙂 I don't think there was damage in Vancouver even? 😀

  11. Yes it is, Canada is the second largest land mass country on the planet. It goes East of me about 4000 miles roughly to the archipelago of Newfoundland. How are you enjoying spring? How are you doing?

  12. I'm good, thanks. Had crazy busy three months from August to October with with translation work. Now having a bit quiet time at work front, so doing a bit here & there at gardening front 😀 And the strawberries are ripening. :yes:How's yours? Already snowed under? 😉

  13. :awww: Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. You have a stash of provisions to keep you warm and well-fed in case of power cuts and such likes? Originally posted by crystalacey:

    a way to early and we are 10-20 C below normal.

    Our winter just past had a very cold start with much colder May than average. June & July were just below average & August was quite warmer.Your winter may take the same course. So hang in there. Originally posted by crystalacey:

    my hobby, Trains. My PC is running well now and the Train Simulators are coming along.

    That is a very neat hobby. 🙂

  14. I am fighting with my health, it doesn't like winter at all but this year, summer wasn't good neither. O.o 🙁 Fall was good and I was busy whipping my computer into shape and on my hobby, Trains. My PC is running well now and the Train Simulators are coming along. We just had a big snow dump here but not very stormy, a way to early and we are 10-20 C below normal. 😥 It was quite a storm further south and also east from us.

  15. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Your winter may take the same course. So hang in there.

    It is quite possible. We often get warm winters, for Canada of course, above zero to well above sometimes. We have Chinooks here. They are high speed winds coming across the mountains and down the high eastern slopes. The friction warms the wind considerably. Just in case you don't know what Chinooks are or think the are the usual trade winds. They can blow the clouds into a huge Chinook Arch well beyond the horizon from slightly Northeast to Southeast. A well formed Chinook Arch is a magnificent sight indeed coming in from the west over top and out to the east over a period of a few hours. The temperature can be very drastic in a short time. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    That is a very neat hobby.

    Yes it is, I enjoy it very, very much. I get involve with it and forget to come here.

  16. I didn't quite know what chinooks were, so looked it up on Wikipedia. They are North American Continent version of big foehn winds, aren't they? We have a smaller version of that, especially in South Island, that brings the Nor'Wester Arch in the western horizon. Interesting. :)Originally posted by crystalacey:

    I enjoy it very, very much. I get involve with it and forget to come here.

    😆 You have to get your priorities right 😀

  17. Aha! You have a Canadian version of the Nor'Westers and now you are telling me you've a local version of the Crows Nest! Suddenly Canada seems very close & familiar! :yes: Pic of our Crow's Nest on right 😀

  18. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    You have to get your priorities right

    Mum, I don't know anything about these other ones. I only know about Chinooks, they are as I described, friction warmed winds. They can be cold or cool on the west side of the mountains. The winds coming through the Crows Nest pass are gale force and higher.

  19. Originally posted by crystalacey:

    Most our weather comes in from the west and southwest,

    💡 I get it. You are in the opposite hemisphere. So our nor'wester is your sou'wester.Originally posted by crystalacey:

    That is why it is best just to call them what that are called, Chinooks.

    The Chinooks, it is. 😀

  20. Originally posted by mimi_s_mum:

    Aha! You have a Canadian version of the Nor'Westers

    I thought about this again. NO, the Chinooks defiantly DO NOT come from the North like the East Coast's NorEasters. They come mostly from the west and southwest. Most our weather comes in from the west and southwest, actually originating on the east coast of China at the Equator and treks across the Pacific into NA between California/Oregon border up to central British Columbia. That fact is also why El Nino/La Nino effect use so much here. That is why it is best just to call them what that are called, Chinooks. 😀
