Back on track

I was away from mid April to mid May, which made me fall behind of photo sharing and blogging front from early April. I'm now happy to report I have caught up. 😉

Take a look the latest entries in my photo diary album 52, and my latest photo album for my Japan trip images, Pilgrimage.

If you haven't, don't forget to check out my recent blog post and photos about my first visit to West Wind windfarm.

It's been almost two weeks since I got back from Japan, but, as you can seen in the pictures on right, I have not been lazy. I have realigned and extended my vegie patch (more hard work!). I also planted out over a dozen of young strawberry plants for next season. 😀


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  1. I enjoy growing edibles most. Especially when they are free. :DI hope to have more harvest and more efficiently in the coming growing season, having learned from the first year's experience.Thanks for stopping by, Aadil. 🙂

  2. I am thrilled you are back Mimi. I looked at all your pictures. Japan is beautiful and I wish you a great harvest in your garden. :yes:

  3. Thank you for dropping by Annette. :)It was indeed the most beautiful time in Japan and I was lucky the cherry blossoms were a little late this year. Will keep you posted on how my garden develops. 😉

  4. After a crazy hailing showering windbrowing night/ morning, now the blue sky is back. :yes: The ground is a little too wet for digging. Instead I spend some time rearranging the lounge furniture (for no pressing need whatsoever :p)

  5. Finally My Opera seem to work again and I have time to visit your blog :DLooks like you have had some great meditation 😉
