A voice whispered softly

I dreamed a dream in time gone by …'

I turned my head towards the TV I had on but wasn't really watching. Several scenes flashed, colourful historic costumes, grand sets, familiar faces of famous actors and actresses, dramatic scene segments. I asked myself, what's this? Can it really be … ?

Then more voices in a quiet unison with a resolve

'Do you hear the people sing …'

It really is!! That was something I could not resisit. Before I knew it, I was singing along.


The strawberry field forever

I do have work to do. But I'm having a serious translator's block right now, and, decided some therapeutic gardening and blogging is in order. Unfortunately the weather today is not great, and, is expected to stay that way for a while. Still there are some things I can do out in the garden, such as admiring this view. 😀 …


Busy spring at vege gardening front

I have previously reported how busy I was during September & October, and, still managed to put some work into my vege patch. 🙂 The work load seems to have eased up in November. And I'm able to spend more time sorting, editing & uploading pictures. I spent last evening and this morning going through vege garden related photos. …
